Features Summary

The feature summary offers a high-level view of MKE 4 product functionality, as well as information on features that Mirantis is working to include in future releases of of the software.

Available features

Features that are available in MKE 4 are detailed in the following table:

FeatureDetailLearn more
AuthenticationMKE 4 uses Dex for authentication, which serves as a proxy between MKE clusters and authentication providers. Dex supports the following authentication protocols:

* Basic authentication

SCIM, which is supported in MKE 3, is not supported in MKE 4.
Configure OIDC service for MKE, Configure SAML service for MKE, Configure LDAP service for MKE
AuthorizationMKE 4 uses standard Kubernetes RBAC authorization.RBAC Migrations
Backup and restoreMKE 4 supports backup and restoration of cluster data through the use of the Velero add-on. System backup is enabled by default.Back up using an external storage provider, Back up with an in-cluster storage provider
Cloud providersMKE 4 directly supports the use of AWS for managed cloud service provision. Different cloud service providers can be put to use, though doing so requires manual configuration.Cloud providers: Configuration
Container Network InterfaceMKE 4 supports Calico OSS (operating in KDD mode) as the CNI for cluster networking.Network configuration
CoreDNS LameduckMKE 4 supports the use of lameduck mode for CoreDNS.CoreDNS Lameduck: Configuration
GPU Feature DiscoveryMKE 4 supports running workloads on NVIDIA GPU nodes and GPU node discovery. NVIDIA MIG is not supported.NVIDIA GPU Workloads
IngressIngress controllers abstract the complexity of Kubernetes application traffic routing and provide a bridge between Kubernetes services and external ones.Ingress controller, TCP and UDP services
KubernetesMKE 4 deploys Kubernetes 1.31.Kubernetes components
LicensingMKE 4 requires the use of a license for lawful use.Licensing MKE 4
Load balancingMKE 4 supports the use of MetalLB to create Load Balancer services, offering such features as address allocation and external announcement.MetalLB load balancer
Logging, Monitoring and AlertingMKE 4 monitoring setup is based on the kube-prometheus-stack, which offers a comprehensive solution for collecting, storing, and visualizing metrics.Monitoring tool: Prometheus, Monitoring tool: Grafana, Monitoring tool: cAdvisor, Monitoring tool: OpsCare (Under development)
MKE CLIThe MKE CLI tool, mkectl is the MKE 4 CLI tool. It can be installed automatically using an install.sh script, or it can be done manually.Install the MKE CLI
MKE DashboardMKE 4 provides a web-based user interface that enables the management of Kubernetes resources in an MKE-managed cluster.MKE Dashboard
Node Feature Discovery (NFD)Node Feature Discovery (NFD) detects the hardware features that are available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and advertises the detected features through node labels.Node Feature Discovery: Configuration (NFD)
Policy ControllerMKE 4 allows installation of third-party policy controllers for Kubernetes. Currently, OPA Gatekeeper is the only supported policy controller.OPA Gatekeeper
Support BundleSupport bundles for MKE 4 can be generated directly from the command line.Create a support bundle
TelemetryMKE 4 can be set to automatically record and transmit data to Mirantis through an encrypted channel, for monitoring and analysis purposes.Enable telemetry through the MKE CLI, Enable telemetry through the MKE web UI

Features under development

New features that Mirantis plans to introduce in upcoming MKE 4 releases include:

  • Additional cloud providers
  • Custom admission controllers: OPA Gatekeeper or Kyverno EE or CE only
  • Life Cycle Management for components
  • Networking: Cillium
  • Offline Bundle
  • Scheduled backups
  • STIG

In addition, Mirantis is working to integrate various key MKE 3 features into MKE 4, including:

Unsupported features

Mirantis does not support the following functions:

  • Networking: IPVS, eBPF, Unmanaged CNI
  • Profiling on Kubernetes and MKE components
  • Custom feedback UI
  • Account Lockout
  • User session properties
  • gMSA
  • SCIM
  • Swarm
  • DCT (Docker Content Trust)
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