Back up and restore

MKE 4 supports backup and restore of cluster data through the use of the Velero addon. Backup is enabled by default.


The backup section of the MKE4 configuration file renders as follows:

  enabled: true
    type: InCluster
      exposed: true
      distributed: false

By default, MKE 4 supports backups that use the in-cluster storage provider, as indicated in the type option setting of InCluster. MKE 4 in-cluster backups are implemented using the MinIO addon.

The exposed option setting of true indicates that the MinIO service is exposed through NodePort, which Velero requires to function correctly. Core backup functionality should work, however, even if the service is not exposed.

The distributed option configures MinIO storage to run in distributed mode.

Refer to the following table for detail on all of the conifguration file backup fields:

FieldDescriptionValid valuesDefault
enabledIndicates whether backup/restore functionality is enabled.true, falsetrue
storage_provider.typeIndicates whether the storage type in use is in-cluster or external.InCluster, ExternalInCluster
storage_provider.in_cluster_options.exposedIndicates whether to expose InCluster (MinIO) storage through NodePort.true, falsetrue
storage_provider.in_cluster_options.distributedIndicates whether to run MinIO in distributed mode.true, falsefalse
storage_provider.external_options.providerName of the external storage provider. AWS is currently the only available option.awsaws
storage_provider.external_options.bucketName of the pre-created bucket to use for backup storage.""""
storage_provider.external_options.regionRegion in which the bucket exists.""""
storage_provider.external_options.credentials_file_pathPath to the credentials file.""""
storage_provider.external_options.credentials_file_profileProfile in the Credentials file to use.""""

Create backups and perform restores

For information on how to create backups and perform restores for both storage provider types, refer to:

Existing limitations

  • Scheduled backups, an MKE 3 feature that is planned for integration to MKE 4, have not yet been implemented.

  • Backups must currently be restored in the same cluster in which the backup was taken, and thus restoring a backup to a new set of nodes is not yet supported for the in-cluster storage provider.