Create SAML application in Okta

Create SAML application in Okta

  1. Select SAML 2.0 for Sign-in method.

  2. For App name, choose a name that you can easily remember.

  3. Configure the host for your redirect URLs:

    • Single sign-on URL: http://{MKE hostname}/callback
    • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): http://{MKE hostname}/callback
    • Attribute statements:
      • Name: email
      • Name: name
        Value: user.login
  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Navigate to the Assignments tab:

    a. Click Assign -> Assign to people.

    b. Click the blue Assign button that corresponds to the account you want to use for authentication.

    Okta generates the ssoURL and certificate under the Sign On tab. The ssoURL is the MetadataURL with the final metadata removed from the path.

  7. Download the certificate to the system from which you will run mkectl:

    a. Navigate to the SAML Signing Certificates section.

    b. Click Actions for the active certificate and initiate the download.

  8. Run the mkectl apply command with your MKE configuration file.