Start interacting with the cluster

Start interacting with the cluster

To start interacting with the cluster, use kubectl with the mke context. Though to do that, you need to specify the configuration. Use mkectl to output the kubeconfig of the cluster to ~/mke/.mke.kubeconf.

You can apply .mke.kubeconf using any one of the following methods:

  • Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to ~/.mke/mke.kubeconf:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/.mke/<cluster name>.kubeconfig
  • Append the contents to the default kubeconfig:

    cat ~/.mke/mke.kubeconf >> ~/.kube/config
  • Specify the kubeconfig as a command argument:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.mke/mke.kubeconf

Example output:

$ kubectl --context mke get nodes

node1   Ready    <none>          2d    v1.29.3+k0s
node2   Ready    control-plane   2d    v1.29.3+k0s

To modify the cluster configuration, edit the YAML configuration file and rerun the apply command:

mkectl apply -f mke4.yaml
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