Install the MKE CLI

Before you can proceed with the MKE installation, you must download and install mkectl, the MKE CLI tool, as well as k0sctl. You can do this automatically using an script, or you can do it manually.

Install automatically with a script

To automatically install the necessary dependencies, you can use an script, as exemplified in the following procedure:

  1. Install the dependencies by downloading and executing the following shell script:

    sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    If you want to override default dependency versions, pass the MKECTL_VERSION and K0SCTL_VERSION as required. For example:

    sudo K0SCTL_VERSION=0.19.4 /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    If you prefer to run the script in the debug mode for more detailed output and logging, set DEBUG=true:

    sudo DEBUG=true /bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Confirm the installations:

    mkectl version

    Expected output:

    Version: v4.0.0
    k0sctl version

    Expected output:

    version: v0.19.4
    commit: b061291

    If you passed the K0SCTL_VERSION=0.17.4 as illustrated above, the example output would be:

    version: v0.17.4
    commit: 372a589

By default, the script installs the following software:

ToolDefault version

The script detects the operating system and the underlying architecture, based on which it will install the k0sctl and mkectl binaries in /usr/local/bin. Thus, you must ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH environment variable.

You can now proceed with MKE cluster creation.

Install manually

  1. Verify the presence of the following tools on your system:

    k0sctl0.19.4 or laterdownload
  2. Download the mkectl binary from the S3 bucket:

  3. Ensure that the mkectl binary is executable:

    chmod +x mkectl
  4. Copy the mkectl binary to /usr/local/bin/:

    mv mkectl /usr/local/bin/
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