Getting Started

Getting started

This section contains easy and lightweight instructions on how to get started with your MKE installation.

Step 1: Meet the system requirements

Ensure that your system meets the necessary hardware and software requirements for installing and running an MKE cluster

Step 2: Install the MKE CLI and other dependencies

Install the MKE Command Line Interface (CLI), which is essential for managing your MKE installation. The CLI provides a convenient and powerful way to interact with your cluster, perform administrative tasks, and automate workflows.

Step 3: Create a cluster

Create your MKE cluster. This involves configuring the cluster settings, specifying the number of nodes, and setting up networking and storage options. Use the MKE CLI to initialize and configure the cluster according to your requirements.

Once the cluster is created, you can start deploying applications and services, leveraging the full capabilities of MKE for orchestration and management.

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