
The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the API objects, which include pods, services, and replication controllers, among others. The server performs REST operations while also serving as the frontend to the shared state of a cluster, through which the other components interact.

You can configure the Kubernetes API server for all controllers through the apiServer section of the MKE configuration file, an example of which follows:

      enabled: false
      logPath: /var/lib/k0s/audit.log
      maxAge: 30
      maxBackup: 10
      maxSize: 10
    encryptionProvider: /var/lib/k0s/encryption.cfg
      enabled: false
    requestTimeout: 1m0s

You can further configure the Kubernetes API server using the extraArgs field to define flags. This field accepts a list of key-value pairs, which are passed directly to the kube-apiserver process at runtime.

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