You can configure LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for MKE 4 through the authentication.ldap section of the MKE configuration file.

LDAP example configuration:

    enabled: true
    host: ldap.example.org:389
    insecureNoSSL: true
    bindDN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
    bindPW: password
    usernamePrompt: Email Address
      baseDN: ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
      filter: "(objectClass=person)"
      username: mail
      idAttr: DN
      emailAttr: mail
      nameAttr: cn

Configure LDAP service for MKE

In the MKE configuration file authentication.ldap section, enable your LDAP service by setting enabled to true. Use the remaining fields, which are defined in the following table, to configure the interactions with your LDAP server.

For information on how to obtain the field values, refer to setting up OpenLDAP as an LDAP provider.
hostHost and optional port of the LDAP server, in the host:port format.
rootCAPath to a trusted root certificate file.
bindDNDistinguished Name (DN) for an application service account.
bindPWPassword for an application service account.
usernamePromptAttribute to display in the password prompt.
userSearchSettings to map user-entered username and password to an LDAP entry.
userSearch.baseDNBaseDN from which to start the search.
userSearch.filterOptional filter to apply for a user search of the directory.
userSearch.usernameUsername attribute to use for user entry comparison.
userSearch.idAttrString representation of the user.
userSearch.emailAttrAttribute to map to email.
userSearch.nameAttrAttribute to map to display name of a user.
userSearch.preferredUsernameAttrAttribute to map to preferred usernames.
groupSearchGroup search queries for groups given a user entry.
groupSearch.baseDNBaseDN from which to start the search.
groupSearch.filterOptional filter to apply for a group search of the directory.
groupSearch.userMatchersField pairs list to use to match a user to a group.
groupSearch.nameAttrGroup name.

For more information, refer to the official DEX documentation LDAP configuration.

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