

Installing using the script


Installing the latest version of Blueprint is as simple as running the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

The install script will download the latest version of the blueprint cli, verify it with the checksum, and install it to /usr/local/bin/bctl.

Specific version

If you would like to install a specific version of Blueprint, you can specify the version as an environment var for the install script:

/bin/bash -c "VERSION=<desired version> $(curl -fsSL"

You can find the different releases on the releases page.

Manual installation

Open the releases page and download the correct binary for your machine along with the blueprint_<version>_checksums.txt file. Place both in the same directory and run the following command:

sha256sum -c blueprint_<version>_checksums.txt --ignore-missing 2>/dev/null

This will only print OK if at least one of the files matches the checksums in the checksum file. Otherwise, it will return an error.

Next you can install the binary on your system using the following tar command:

tar xzf bctl_<os>_<arch>.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/

Additional tools

These are tools that are not required to run Blueprint, but are useful for interacting with the cluster.

  • kubectl - useful for interacting with the cluster

Uninstall Blueprint

To uninstall Blueprint, simply delete the binary from your system.

rm /usr/local/bin/bctl

Getting started

Now that you have blueprint installed, check out the getting started guide to walk through creating your first cluster or go straight to the examples section to see some example blueprints.