Getting started with Kind

Getting started with Kind

This example shows how to create a kind cluster using a blueprint with the Blueprint Operator and an example server installed on it.


Along with blueprint CLI, you will also need the following tools:

  • kind - required for installing a kind distribution

Create a Kind blueprint

Generate a sample blueprint file using the built in init command:

bctl init --kind > blueprint.yaml

This will create a blueprint file blueprint.yaml with a kind cluster definition, and two addons.

Deploy the blueprint

bctl apply --config blueprint.yaml

Connect to the cluster:

kubectl cluster-info

bctl will create a kubeconfig file in the current directory. Use this file to connect to the cluster.

Update the cluster

Add a wordpress addon to the blueprint.yaml:

  - name: wordpress
    kind: chart
    enabled: true
    namespace: wordpress
      name: wordpress
      version: 18.0.11

Update your cluster with the modified blueprint:

bctl update --config blueprint.yaml

Verify that the wordpress addon is installed and running:

kubectl get pods --namespace wordpress

You output will look similar to the following:

NAME                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
helm-install-wordpress-st8rh   0/1     Completed   0          2m58s
wordpress-79d45fc94c-vg7n7     1/1     Running     0          2m49s
wordpress-mariadb-0            1/1     Running     0          2m49s

Access the wordpress page

To connect to the cluster, forward requests to the server by running:

kubectl port-forward --namespace wordpress wordpress-79d45fc94c-vg7n7 8080:8080

This command will need to be left running in the background. It does not return.

You can then access the wordpress page at http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Delete a cluster

Deleting a cluster is easily done in a single command:

bctl reset --config blueprint.yaml

You can see that the cluster no longer exists by running:

kind get clusters

And verifying that your cluster is no longer listed.